# Web

# avatar

// usage
{{avatar({protocol: 'https'})}}
{{avatar({fileExtension: 'jpg'})}}
{{avatar({email: '[email protected]'})}}

Return a URL to a random avatar from Gravatar.

=> '//www.gravatar.com/avatar/41f84bab4a852971eb1d26a287acb763'

By default, a url is returned without a protocol. Specify one to get a random url but with a known protocol

{{avatar({protocol: 'https'})}}
=> 'https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/f40260c4058cc904b7db652c26099966'

Optionally specify a file extension to get one of a known type

{{avatar({fileExtension: 'jpg'})}}
=> '//www.gravatar.com/avatar/76697df5874c854e3cc8fde1200b4298.jpg'

You can also use it with a known email address to just get that gravatar.

However, note this, of course, no longer makes it random, just more of a helper function:

{{avatar({email: '[email protected]'})}}
=> 'www.gravatar.com/avatar/8595c2591b0bca22e736813af33fa7c3'

# color

// usage
{{color({format: 'hex'})}}
{{color({grayscale: true})}}
{{color({casing: 'upper'})}}

Return a random color in a random format.

=> '#79c157'

Colors have six base types: hex, shorthex, rgb, rgba, 0x, name

These are the kinds usable in HTML or CSS. The type can optionally be specified

{{color({format: 'hex'})}}
=> '#d67118'

{{color({format: 'shorthex'})}}
=> '#60f'

{{color({format: 'rgb'})}}
=> 'rgb(110,52,164)'

{{color({ format:'rgba' })}}
=> 'rgba(76,11,110,0.1284)'

{{color({format: '0x'})}}
=> '0x67ae0b'

{{color({ format:'name' })}}
=> 'DarkOrange' 

Can optionally specify that only grayscale colors be generated

{{color({grayscale: true})}}
=> '#e2e2e2'

Optionally specify casing to get only uppercase letters in the color

{{color({casing: 'upper'})}}
=> '#29CFA7'

# company

// usage

Return a random company name.

=> 'Caremark Rx Inc'

# domain

// usage
{{domain({tld: 'com'})}}

Return a random domain with a random tld.

=> 'onaro.net'

Optionally specify a tld and the domain will be random but the tld will not.

{{domain({tld: 'ie'})}}
=> 'gotaujo.ie'

# email

// usage
{{email({domain: "example.com"})}}

Return a random email with a random domain.

=> '[email protected]'

Optionally specify a domain and the email will be random but the domain will not.

{{email({domain: 'example.com'})}}
=> '[email protected]'

# fbid

// usage

Return a random Facebook id, aka fbid.

=> "1000039460258605"

# google_analytics

// usage

Return a random Google Analytics tracking code. Takes the form 'UA-123456-01'

=> 'UA-384555-17'

# hashtag

// usage

Return a random hashtag. This is a string of the form '#thisisahashtag'.

=> '#dichumwa'

# ip

// usage

Return a random IP Address.

=> ''

# ipv6

// usage

Return a random IPv6 Address.

=> 'db2f:6123:f99e:00f7:a76e:7f68:9f91:bb08'

# klout

// usage

Return a random Klout score. Range 1-99.

=> 21

# ip

// usage
{{mac({delimiter: '-'})}}

Return a random MAC Address (EUI-48).

=> '08:c2:88:ad:49:23'

Optionally specify a specific delimiter between octets.

{{domain({delimiter: '-'})}}
=> '00-0d-b9-52-f2-f0'

# profession

// usage
{{profession({rank: true})}}

Return a random profession. Rank is false by default.

=> 'Software Test Engineer'

Optionally set rank as true get rank with profession.

{{profession({rank: true})}}
=> 'Junior Supply Chain Director'

# tld

// usage

Return a random tld (Top Level Domain) from the list of 2-letter country tld list plus the following set:

['com', 'org', 'edu', 'gov', 'uk', 'net', 'io']

Note, these do not start with a period.

# twitter

// usage

Return a random twitter handle.

=> "@guspejani"

# url

// usage
{{url({protocol: 'ftp'})}}
{{url({domain: 'www.socialradar.com'})}}
{{url({domain_prefix: 'docs'})}}
{{url({path: 'images'})}}
{{url({extensions: ['gif', 'jpg', 'png']})}}

Return a random url.

=> 'http://vanogsi.io/pateliivi'

Optionally specify a protocol and the url will be random but the protocol will not.

{{url({protocol: 'ftp'})}}
=> 'ftp://mibfu.nr/kardate'

Optionally specify a domain and the url will be random but the domain will not.

{{url({domain: 'www.socialradar.com'})}}
=> 'http://www.socialradar.com/hob'

Optionally specify a domain prefix and domain will be random, and domain prefix will not.

{{url({domain_prefix: 'docs'})}}
=> 'http://docs.tuos.ni/itecabup'

Optionally specify a path and it will be obeyed.

{{url({path: 'images'})}}
=> 'http://tainvoz.net/images'

Optionally specify an array of extensions and one will be picked at random.

{{url({extensions: ['gif', 'jpg', 'png']})}}
=> 'http://vagjiup.gov/udmopke.png'