# Music

# note

// usage
{{note({ notes: 'flatkey' })}};

Return a note. 🎵

=> 'B'

=> 'Eâ™­'

Options flatKey - chromatic scale with flat notes (default) sharpKey - chromatic scale with sharp notes flats - just flat notes sharps - just sharp notes naturals - just natural notes all - naturals, sharps and flats

{{note({notes: 'flats' })}};
=> 'A'

{{note({notes: 'sharps' })}};
=> 'F♯'

# tempo

// usage
{{tempo()}}; //default between 40 to 320
{{tempo({ min: 60, max: 120 })}};

Return a tempo. 🎵

=> 58

=> 281

{{tempo({ max: 80 })}};
=> 45

{{tempo({ min: 120 })}};
=> 172