// usage
{{address({short_suffix: true})}}
Generate a random street address
=> '5447 Bazpe Lane'
Optionally mandate that it return a short suffix
{{address({short_suffix: true})}};
=> '536 Baner Rd'
// usage
{{altitude({ fixed: 7 })}}
{{altitude({ max: 1000 })}}
Generate a random altitude, in meters.
=> 1863.21417
By default, includes 5 digits of accuracy after the decimal. Can override with the fixed
{{altitude({ fixed: 7 })}}
=> 6897.8978386
By default, max of 8848m (height of Mount Everest), but this can be overridden with the max
{{altitude({ max: 1000 })}}
=> 890.20665
// usage
Generate a random area code
=> '(526)'
Note, this is a US area code, we have little support for internationalization at this time. Hope to fix that in the future!
// usage
Generate a random city name
=> 'Cowotba'
// usage
{{coordinates({fixed: 2})}}
{{coordinates({format: 'dms'})}}
Generate random coordinates, which are latitude and longitude, comma separated.
=> "-29.52974, 24.52815"
By default includes 5 fixed digits after decimal, can specify otherwise.
{{coordinates({fixed: 2})}};
=> "-49.16, 68.81"
By default cooridnates' format is dd, can specify otherwise.
{{coordinates({format: 'ddm'})}};
=> "41°44.9592, 25°56.2622"
{{coordinates({format: 'dms'})}};
=> "56°2’9.8187”, 79°55’40.6812”"
// usage
{{country({ full: true })}}
Return a random country.
=> 'LT'
By default, returns only the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the country.
Optionally specify that it ought to return a full country name.
{{country({ full: true })}};
=> 'Venezuela'
// usage
{{depth({ fixed: 2 })}}
{{depth({ min: -1000 })}}
Generate a random depth, in meters. Depths are always negative
=> -2126.95039
By default, includes 5 digits of accuracy after the decimal. Can override with the fixed
{{depth({ fixed: 2 })}}
=> -1542.11
By default, maximum (or minimum depending on your frame of reference) depth of -2550 (depth of the Mariana Trench), but this can be overridden with the min
{{depth({ min: -1000 })}}
=> -718.41976
// usage
{{geohash({ length: 5 })}}
Generate a random geohash. More details on what a geohash is.
=> 'h9xhn7y'
By default, includes 7 characters of accuracy. Can override with the length
{{geohash({ length: 5 })}}
=> 'dr0kr'
// usage
{{latitude({fixed: 7})}}
{{latitude({format: 'dms'})}}
Generate a random latitude.
=> 57.99514
range: -90 to 90
By default includes 5 fixed digits after decimal, can specify otherwise.
{{latitude({fixed: 7})}};
=> -29.6443133
By default includes entire range of allowed latitudes, can specify a min and/or max to bound it
{{latitude({min: 38.7, max: 38.9})}};
=> 38.82358
By default latitudes' format is dd, can specify otherwise.
{{latitude({format: 'ddm'})}};
=> "41°44.9592"
{{latitude({format: 'dms'})}};
=> "56°2’9.8187”"
// usage
{{locale({region: true})}}
Generate a random ISO-639-1 language code
=> 'ca'
Generate a random IETF region code
{{locale({region: true})}};
=> 'es-EA'
Note, the language codes comes from the ISO-639-1 spec and the region codes come from IETF standard
// usage
{{longitude({fixed: 7})}}
{{longitude({format: 'dms'})}}
Generate a random longitude.
=> 149.41549
range: -180 to 180
By default includes 5 fixed digits after decimal, can specify otherwise.
{{longitude({fixed: 7})}};
=> 51.4549925
By default includes entire range of allowed longitudes, can specify a min and/or max to bound it
{{longitude({min: -78, max: -77})}};
=> -77.22644
By default longitude' format is dd, can specify otherwise.
{{longitude({format: 'ddm'})}};
=> "41°44.9592"
{{longitude({format: 'dms'})}};
=> "56°2’9.8187”"
// usage
{{phone({ formatted: false })}}
{{phone({ country: "fr" })}}
{{phone({ country: "fr", mobile: true })}}
Generate a random phone
=> '(494) 927-2152'
By default conforms to NANP for a proper US phone number.
Optionally disable formatting.
{{phone({ formatted: false })}};
=> '2617613391'
Optionally specify a country.
{{phone({ country: 'fr' })}};
=> '01 60 44 92 67'
Note, at current we only have support for 'us'
, 'uk'
, or 'fr'
for countries.
For uk
and fr
, optionally specify a mobile phone.
{{phone({ country: 'uk', mobile: true })}};
=> '07624 321221'
For us
, optionally specify an exampleNumber for a '555' area code.
{{phone({ country: 'us', exampleNumber: true })}};
=> '(555) 927-2152'
// usage
Return a Canadian Postal code. Returned postal code is valid with respect to the Postal District (first character) and format only.
=> 'R1S 3F4'
// usage
Generate a random (U.K.) postcode. Returned postcode is valid with respect to the Postcode Area (first characters) and format only.
=> 'W6 9PF'
// usage
{{province({full: true})}}
{{province({full: true})}}
Return a random province.
=> 'ON'
By default, returns only the 2 letter abbreviation for province.
Optionally specify that it ought to return a full province name.
{{province({full: true})}};
=> 'Nova Scotia'
Optionally specify the country from which it should return the province name.
{{province({country: 'it', full: true})}};
=> 'Vicenza'
Note, currently support for country is limited to: 'ca', 'it'
// usage
{{state({ full: true })}}
{{state({ territories: true })}}
{{state({ armed_forces: true })}}
{{state({ us_states_and_dc: false })}}
{{state({ country: 'us' })}}
Return a random state.
=> 'AK'
By default, returns only the 2 letter abbreviation for state.
Optionally specify that it ought to return a full state name.
{{state({ full: true })}};
=> 'Florida'
Optionally add U.S. Territories ('American Samoa', 'Federated States of Micronesia', 'Guam', 'Marshall Islands', 'Northern Mariana Islands', 'Puerto Rico', 'Virgin Islands, U.S.') to the mix of randomly selected items:
{{state({ territories: true, full: true })}}
=> 'Guam'
Optionally add Armed Forces to the list as well:
{{state({ armed_forces: true, full: true })}}
=> 'Armed Forces Pacific'
For all U.S. states, territories, and armed forces, specify all of them:
{{state({ armed_forces: true, territories: true })}}
=> 'NY'
For just territories or armed forces, specify that it ought not return U.S. states:
{{state({ territories: true, us_states_and_dc: false })}}
=> 'PR'
Optionally specify a country (US specific options are ignored if country is specified and different from 'us'
{{state({ country: 'it', full: true })}}
=> 'Toscana'
// usage
Generate a random street
=> 'Tesca Circle'
Optionally mandate that it returns a short suffix
{{street({short_suffix: true})}};
=> 'Jiled St'
Optionally specify the number of syllables used to generate the street name
{{street({syllables: 8})}};
=> 'Teniefitinusewjircor Junction'
Optionally specify a country to localize street prefixes
{{street({country: 'it'})}};
=> 'Via Nefba'
Note, currently support for country is limited to: 'us', 'it'
// usage
{{zip({plusfour: true})}}
Generate a random (U.S.) zip code.
=> '90210'
Can optionally specify that it ought to return a Zip+4:
{{zip({plusfour: true})}};
=> '01035-1838'